Your benefits

For private and //
or for business use…

Your benefits with
Seclous mail

Full control

You have full control over the recipient’s rights and use. Wrong recipient? Just make the email invisible.

Designed for users

Fully pre-configured. Convenient and familiar: Simply send your emails from Outlook or via a webmailer – we take care of the rest.


Wir schützen Ihre Daten schon ab Entstehung.
Das bringt den Vorteil, dass Ihr Daten durchgängig und vollständig geschützt sind und nicht wie bei gängigen Technologien erst nachgelagert.

Poof, it’s invisible

Your data is only visible while it is in use, and generally invisible to third parties – protecting you not only from hackers, but also from commercial data collection.

Beyond compliance

We even remove metadata and personal data, which not only makes you GDPR-compliant, but also gives you maximum privacy – by default.

Protect.All Mode

auch Empfänger Ihrer E-Mails, die unverschlüsselt oder in unsicheren Umgebungen kommunizieren sind automatisch und ohne Zutun vollständig abgesichert.

Here are all the things
we do differently than today’s standard solutions.

Compare email solutionsSeclous MailTraditional email providers
(0365, AppleMail, GMX, etc.)
PGP-based email protection
(such as easyGPG)
Encrypted mail client
(e.g. ProtonMail)
Email gateways
(e.g. Sophos, G-Data, etc.)
GeneralUse any email address / providerMigration necessary
Outlook IntegrationBridge

Super easy to use


Integrated antivirus protectionExternal

Impossible to manipulate
Providers have no access
SendingAny data size


Synched directoriesSoon

(of recipient)
Suppress forwarding

Recall mails Only within the same system

Disable saving

Disable printing

Control attachments

Expiration periodSoon

Installation1Click – within seconds

Central installation
No certificatesN/A
No key generationN/A

Special featuresNo meta data

No vulnerabilities (NVD)

No passwords

No server login necessary

Fully scalable